Curious Causes of Bad Breath


Nobody likes going about their day with bad breath. Additionally, nobody likes spending time with someone who has bad breath! While eating pungent foods, using tobacco products, and not brushing or flossing are some well-known causes of bad breath, there are a number of lesser-known causes.


Surprising causes of bad breath:

  1. Avoiding breakfast: saliva is a natural cleanser for your mouth that typically regenerates during the morning meal. When breakfast is skipped, the digestive system comes to a halt allowing certain compounds in the mouth to interact with bacteria and leading to dry mouth and bad breath.


  1. Drinking alcohol: alcohol passes directly into the bloodstream through the small intestine and lining of your stomach. This route bypasses the digestive process, causing harmful substances to not properly break down. Bad breath can occur when the digestive system is compromised and your internal organs are harmed.


  1. Seasonal allergies: as if allergy season wasn’t a pain already, it can also cause bad breath! Bad breath can stem from post-nasal drip, a condition that may be triggered from seasonal allergies. When mucus travels down the throat and into the mouth, it becomes a host for bacteria that causes bad breath.


What can you do to prevent bad breath:

It may be no surprise, but brushing, flossing and regular visits to your dentist are some of the easiest ways to keep your breath smelling fresh! Brushing your tongue and using a tongue scraper to rid the mouth of bacteria can improve your overall oral health. Lastly, there is no shame in a mint or a piece of gum.


If you have any questions, please contact Brooks Family Dental at (775) 329-9534!

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